March 17, 2021: Late Winter Quick ATV Rip (10 Photos)
We are now half ways through March and it's not hard to tell spring is right around the corner here on the East Coast. Even on cold days the sun has power to melt snow more and more each day that goes by. With a lot of rain and warm temperatures forecast for Friday, I decided to put my Skidoo back in storage as chances are slim I will get out for another ride now.
I also decided to swap over to studded tires on project Foreman, which are my 15 year old half worn ITP Mudlite XTR tires peppered with 1/2" dirt bike studs. With the upcoming freeze/thaw cycles trails will be icy and slippery for a few weeks and these tires are simply awesome in such conditions, especially for climbing hills.
These tires are mounted on my OEM 12" wheels while my new XTR's are mounted on 12" ITP Delta Steel wheels.
Trail conditions today are still snow covered and loose on the main trails and soft & deep off trail. Studded tires are not really needed today, but will be handy in the coming weeks.
Even the big hill alongside the Torbay bypass highway was effortless with good tires.
It wasn't a long run but a bit of fun to pass away an hour and long enough so I can re-torque my wheels when I get home.
Cheers, MIKE
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