March 2, 2020 Winter Storm Warning (17 Photos)
17. These first 2 pics were actually taken March 1st just a few hours ahead of the storm. Its been a crazy winter, fantastic for enjoying most outdoor activities. The club stays accessible all year long although is used less frequently during the winter months.
16. The drift next to the Rifle Range (Range B) is quite impressive!
15. Monday morning arrived and we woke up to another 25cm snow on the ground. The snow was damp but overall pretty light and easy to move.
14. Although 25cm isn't a lot of snow, the existing snowbanks from our crazy winter means that a smaller amount of snow drifts in crazy making clearing the driveway much more difficult.
12. Once again my trusty Honda 9/28 went to work without complaint.
10. This is where it gets tangly. The last three cuts had 5-6 feet of snow drifted in for the whole 80' length! The snow wasn't dense so clearing it meant knocking down the high part of the drift with a shovel and making multiple passes with the snow blower.
9. For this cleanup I had to throw snow into the wind which means that even with a great Honda snow blower it doesn't fly as far and stacks up pretty good! Normally with no or westerly wind the snow scatters right out across the lawn.
8. With the wind ripping I stacked snow wherever I could making most of my cuts coming in the driveway to avoid being covered in blowing snow.
4. Monday afternoon I had to go back out and do some cleanup to clear the last plowroll of the day plus whatever drifted in along the sides since earlier this morning.
1. That night it turned quite cold which should really help settle our fresh fallen snow.
Cheers, MIKE
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