November 14, 2018 Fall Wind Storm: (7 Photos)
7. Although we don't often see hurricanes here in Newfoundland we often get some pretty severe fall storms creating winds similar to smaller hurricanes but North Atlantic storms are formed very differently. Here on the east coast we experienced sustained winds of 80km/h gusting to 130km/h which is enough to barrel roll a pretty substantial garbage box quite a few times apparently.
6. Sandra and I fared pretty well, a section of metal flashing just barely held on so I could make a quick easy repair the following morning once the winds died down and it was safe to go up on the roof.
5. This section of fence actually blew down last winter and I hastily put it back up in a temporary fashion. I never got around to making a permanent repair over the summer so It's down for the winter and I'll make proper repairs next year.
4. The waters of Conception Bay were stirred up pretty good in Portugal Cove, even with the relative protection provided by Bell Island. Sea states were pretty crazy elsewhere with wave heights topping 30m which lead to a full shut down of all off shore oil platforms.
2. The high winds caused Mark French some grief as a rather large tree was blown over onto their brand new enclosed trailer! A quick phone call had a boom truck on site to lift the tree while mark moved the trailer, and also assisted in lowering the tree safely and clear of the garage.
1. Luckily there was no damage to the trailer or garage from the tree! We are pretty used to winds here in NL, more damage could have been caused if we failed to proactively secure outdoor stuff such as patio furniture before the storm.
Cheers, MIKE
Copyright © 2011 Michael Smith