September 26, 2015 Coyote Hunt: (5 Photos)



5.   Fall has arrived and just about all small game is open now. Coyote opened on September 12th, Grouse &Ducks on the 19th, Rabbits are still a couple weeks away and will open on October 10th. With asesome weather forecasted, Sooley, Maffer and I grabbed out hunting gear and headed to Gully Pond Road to look for a Coyote.


4.   We drove to the end of the road, then waked for about 10 minutes to an old blind where Sooley & Maffer harvested a Moose a few years ago.


3.   We set up the FoxPro caller and the three of us had a great 360 degree view of all the bogs surrounding us.


2.   Not having any luck, we packed up and headed to our next destination a few miles up the Southern Shore Highway. We tried our luck on the  pole line behind the Southern Shore Arena, unfortunately, like earlier the coyotes eluded us. 


1.  Even though we didn't get to shoot anything, it was an absolutely beautiful day in the woods!

Cheers, MIKE

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