St. John's Rod & Gun Club Trap 2014: (24 Photos)



24.   2014 was another very busy year at the St. John's Rod & Gun Club. At our Annual General Meeting in February I was elected president of the club as our past president stepped down after 9 very busy consecutive terms. This was to be another very busy year in office. It takes a lot of work & volunteer time to keep a club consisting of 1200 members shooting a variety of disciplines running smooth.


23.   With snow on the ground and temperatures still quite cool a bunch of us headed to the club on March 22 for a Sporting Clays Shoot.


22.   It was great to get out and scratch the shooting itch, our trap machines were still in storage so it was a great opportunity to get in some early practice. The sporting clays crew put off a great day shooting with their battery operated portable machines!


21.   Work at the club started the last weekend in April when we reinstalled our 4 trap machines.


20.   It was a full day affair, on top of the normal installation we had to prepare 2 trap houses for new machines.




18.   One trap was being relocated from C to A with the old A machine being retired, and trap house C was prepared for a new Pat Trap with Wobble option. Mark & Matt Squires provided fantastic support to the club by running back to town to pick up their portable welder to professionally modify the steel tables in both trap houses for the new machines.




16.   By the end of the day we were ready for another busy Trap Shooting season.


15.   In June, Andrea, Johnny, Roger and I headed to the club to prepare the roof for shingle replacement.


14.   We had to strip about 12" of singles from the bottom edge, remove the rotted lumber, and install new boards all along the eave. OMB & Roger had the replacement boards all pre-painted and ready to go.


13.   The following week the club had a contractor come in and remove three layers of old shingles and install our new shingles & truck away the garbage. It was a great job that will protect our building for another quarter century. This year we also had a heavy equipment company come in and extend our sporting clays trail, install a new shallow well for the clubhouse, fix drainage issues on Ranges A, B, & C, and repair the road from the highway to the ranges.




11.   This year the Sporting Clays group built a new storage shed on Range E. A bunch of people volunteered throughout the process, Andrea, Roger and I put in a full days work installing the trusses which were barn style and provided a 2nd story storage loft.


10.   Needless to say it was quite a busy year for the executive board of the club!


9.   Having bought a new house earlier this year, I did not get to participate in a lot of shoots like I have in previous years.




7.   I managed to get away for a couple Sunday afternoon shoots, and attended the Memorial Shoot, Newfoundland Sportsman Shoot,  and the Hunters Challenge.








3.   Our Annual Turkey shoot was held in November, it's the last official shoot for the year and consists of Trap & Sporting Clays shooting is followed by an awesome Turkey Dinner.

Throughout the year our Trap Shooters represented the club well at a number of ATA registered shoots including the Provincial Championships held at our club, the Atlantic's in Moncton, the Canadian's in Montreal, as well as trap shoots held in the U.S. such as the Southern Grand at the Silver Dollar in Florida.


2.   December quickly arrived and winter accompanying it, with snow in the forecast we hauled out the trap machines on the 7th of December.


1.   This marks the end of trap shooting for the year and we patiently await Spring and warm weather to start it all over again!  For more information on trap shooting and other activates at the SJRGC please visit our website at St. John's Rod & Gun


Cheers, MIKE

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