Summer 2014 Recreational Food Fishery: (15 Photos)


15.   Although its been a crazy busy summer for all of our crew, Mark French and I still managed a few excursions on Conception Bay aboard Cloud Nine in search of the mighty Cod Fish.


14.   This year the Summer Recreational Food Fishery ran from July 19 to August 10, with another week for the fall fishery at the end of September.






11.   We had a day on the bay one weekend, and a couple uneventful evening trips and managed to catch our quota each time.


10.   On Saturday August 9 our day got quite hairy as Matthew French, Mark and I headed out from St. Phillips with plans to go to the Cape.




8.   We got as far as Dobbin's House when the sky became dark & ominous. Checking the weather report and hearing that a bad thunder/lightning storm was headed our way, we bee lined it back to St. Phillip's ducking in just before the rain hit.


7.   We sought shelter on the covered deck of the Harbor Authority Building and watched as the storm hit with fury.


6.   Rain poured like five gallon buckets being dumped and lightning struck repeatedly all around us just outside the harbor. The noise of the rain and thunder was deafening!



5.   Lightning also struck a house on the hill directly behind us setting it on fire! The storm lasted about 40 minutes and cleared off just as quickly as it arrived.


4.   We jumped in the boat and headed back down the bay listening to the thunder roar in Bay Roberts on the opposite side of Conception Bay.


3.   Instead of going around Cape St. Francis we decided to stay just inside Conception Bay and struck into some awesome fish.




1.   We had our quota in no time and they were all nice big fish. It was an excellent end to an exciting day!


Cheers, MIKE

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