November 9, 2013 Middle Gull Pond ATVs: (5 Photos)
5. Just a few days ago, Mark pulled the trigger on a brand new 2014 Yamaha Grizzly 700fi ATV! He traded in his trusty 10 year old Foreman 450ES and picked up his new bike all decked out with the necessary accessories for riding, hunting and snow clearing! Check out the Area51 page for an in-depth look at this beautiful ATV.
4. As the bike is brand new, Mark wanted to log some easy miles to properly break in the engine, especially before the snow came as he will be using it to clear his driveway. We loaded up the bikes and headed out the highway to Middle Gull Pond for an easy rail bed ride along the Trailway Provincial Park.
3. We left the truck just after lunch and headed west, our destination based solely on the amount of daylight we had to ride. Our ride took us as far as Whitbourne where we turned off the main rail line and headed North along the old Branch Line to Hearts Content.
2. This is an older line which is dotted by many deep water holes, but easily passable by most 4wd ATV's. The bypass trails around the water actually looked worse then riding through the deep water! Arriving at the Trans Canada Highway, we crossed the parking lot At Monty's Restaurant and dropped into Monty Petipas's (from the Rod and Gun Club) house for a visit and tour of his beautiful new garage.
1. By the time the story telling ended it was getting late and daylight turned to dark so we suited up and headed back towards the truck. We followed the side of the road back to the rail bed and took our time on our return trip as it was quite cold. Water spray was instantly freezing on the bikes and our suits, we stopped frequently to warm our hands. My next purchase on Monday morning was a set of heated grips and thumb warmer for Project Foreman! It was a very successful trip, the important first miles were properly logged on Marks new bike, and we had a great time chatting with Monty!
Cheers, MIKE
Copyright © 2011 Michael Smith