July 3, 2013 Goulds ATV Run: (1 Photo)
1. Having just installed new Ricochet Skid plates on his bike and having the broken axel replaced at Bruce's Recreation in Clarenville, Maffer was eager to get out on the trails to log some miles. I had just finished installing Foreman ES model full floor boards on my bike so I was eager to see how they felt while riding. On this particular evening we loaded up the bikes suppertime and headed to the Goulds for a quick ride. We unloaded by the pump house on Ruby line and headed in the farm roads to Bay Bulls Big Pond. Since the water was low, we followed the old trail around the pond, and just after the boggy spot there is a trail in the woods that comes out on the old Southern Shore Rail Bed. From this point back to the Goulds the rail bed is in bad shape with some very very deep water holes. The bypass trails around them are not much better. After a quick lunch we kept straight and followed the trail to the pole less pole line and followed that back towards the Goulds, taking a few side trails here and there to see where they went. All in all it was a great evening on the bikes!
Cheers, MIKE
Copyright © 2011 Michael Smith