June 10, 2012 - NL Sportsman Shoot: (13 Photos)
13. Sunday morning, Mark French, Justin "Melons" French, and I headed out to the St. John's Rod and Gun Club for the annual Newfoundland Sportsman Magazine Shoot.
12. This event consisted of 50 targets shot on the trap fields in the morning, followed by 50 sporting clays targets shot on the Sporting Clays range in the woods in the afternoon.
8. Just like last year the weather was beautiful, turn out even larger then last year and we had a great day shooting.
7. Sporting clays consisted of many unique clay shooting set ups including shoot and reload, horizontal rabbit targets, and various single & double targets on the upper range.
1. All in all it was a great day. In our little group, Justin crept by Mark winning the better over all score by one target while I came third. Luckily there were only 3 of us in our group! This year I even won a prize, a one year subscription to the Newfoundland Sportsman Magazine! From the St. John's Rod and Gun Club Official Site: This marked a
monumental day for the club and trapshooters with the Grand Opening of the fully
automated trap range - 4 trap fields all equipped with voice activated release
systems and automatic target throwers. It marked a milestone for the club and
embraces the dedication of the club's trapshooters for making it all happen. In
1992, the club purchased it’s first automatic trap and just last fall purchased
it’s fourth machine. Since 2004 we have also upgraded to the latest voice
release technology. This past spring the club’s trapshooters donated the 4th
voice release system to the club. Also debuted at this shoot was the club’s new
Sporting Clays equipment – two 12V clay target throwers. Cheers, MIKE
Copyright © 2011 Michael Smith