Oct 7-15, 2011 Saskatchewan Goose Hunt: (12 Photos)


12.   This past Fall, French, his Dad, and buddy Jamie Quilty did the goose hunting trip of a lifetime in Saskatchewan. The boys flew out to Saskatoon having booked a trip with the Madhatter Lodge http://www.waterfowl.ca


11.   This is a group of guides from Torbay, NL who operate a lodge in Saskatoon during the Goose hunting season. The crew had great things to say about the lodge, service provided, meals cooked and the whole trip in general.


10.   It was organized very well, the guides were always on the birds so there was no disappointment with the hunt at all. Each evening the guides had the boys stuff and prepare their blinds so that they matched the field they would be setting up in the following morning.


9.   Each morning started early with breakfast, then it was on to the field chosen by the guides and their spotters. Everyone pitches in and sets out dozens and dozens of decoys, and then finally settling down in the blinds to wait for the birds.


8.   Each morning without fail the birds came in and they had a great hunt day after day.


7.   The boys took all kinds of different geese including Snow Geese, Canada Geese and a bunch of different ducks.












1.   The birds were prepared by the lodge for transport home, some were plucked, some were breasted, and some were left whole so they could be taxidermied.

All in all it was an excellent trip and was enjoyed immensely by all.


Cheers, MIKE

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