Mike's Product Review:

Kelly Kettle Hobo Stove Accessory

Feb. 20, 2020

The Kelly Kettle accessory I use most often is the Hobo Stove pictured above. Its a well designed pot/pan rest that allows you to cook with a pot or frying pan over your the fire. It works very well, is easily refuelled and allows the fire to breath and burn well. The Hobo Stove accessory fits on the Kelly kettle fire base and ingeniously the hobo stove fits inside the kettle so it does not have to be removed to boil the kettle.



When I take my Kelly Kettle & Hobo I cut blocks of seasoned dry new 2x4 or 2x6 (usually scrap) lumber cut to 4" lengths then split them at home with my Fiskars Axe. That way when I get in the woods I'm ready to go. You make a small fire in the kettle base, light it and put the stove and/or kettle on top.





Before leaving the house on this trip I cut up a small moose roast, an onion, seasoned with minced garlic, Italian seasoning and white wine and sealed it in a zip lock bag for the trail ride. This made cooking it in the woods WAY easier, I dumped the well marinated mix into a frying pan and started it on my MSR stove while the kettle boiled. 



The Kelly Kettle boils water in less than five minutes so I filled up my stainless pot for Mr. Noodles (a quick, easy, trail side Carb) and a mug of instant coffee. When the kettle boiled I swapped my pan over to the Hobo Stove to save gas.







All of the accessories fit together inside the kettle quite neat for easy transportation. It's truly a great system.


Cheers, Mike

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