Mike's Product Review:

Rapala Ice Fishing Shelter

March 15, 2020

I recently picked up this Rapala ice fishing pop up shelter from an ad on NL Classifieds. It was pre-owned but according to the previous owner never ever used, after setting it up I absolutely believe him! Although it's not brand new, the same model is still available at Canadian Tire for over twice what I paid for this one (new ones are all black).



After taking the shelter out of its travel bag, you pull up on the strap for the roof, then each of the 4 walls. It simply pops into shape in seconds. Once set up you move it where you want and screw 4 T-handle anchor bolts into the ice. There are 2 additional anchor bolts and para cord to sturdy the shelter if it's extremely windy.



The shelter has 2 closeable mesh vents (black cover on grey panel above) and 4 windows that also come out if you need more ventilation while cooking etc.



There's enough room for two which gets you out of the wind or snow during less than ideal fishing conditions. The unit would also be handy to have in the Argo as an emergency shelter if you got caught in bad weather or broke down.



These are pretty handy shelters to have. They aren't cheap at full price but often go on sale, so watch the flyers or better yet your local classifieds!



This little shelter was put to real good use on our March 2021 ice fishing trip to the Cape Shore. Similar to the Witless Bay Line, there are no trees or shelter on this shore, plus it was quite windy & cold on this outing.



Even without a heat source, just having the wind blocked increased comfort 100 fold!



It also made what would have been very difficult cooking on ISO Butane stoves a breeze inside the shelter.



Its tight for 2 men plus cooking gear but it certainly worked and worked well on this barren windy landscape.



These shelters come with guy lines for each side, you really only need one maybe two on the windward side to keep the shelter steady. A little snow piled along the edge on top of the flap makes a big difference too.


Cheers, Mike

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