June 19-20, 2004 Sooley Cabin Trouting: (18 Photos)


18.   Whenever we decide to go trouting we usually refer to our short list of favourite places where we know we will catching more then just a cold.




17.   The pond at Sooley's cabin is one of those great fishing destinations and it's made doubly better by the fact that the speedboat is up there ready to go all summer long.




16.   This was the first trouting trip of 2004 so Sooley hooked onto the family speedboat to tow it out to the cabin for the summer.  Saturday morning Sooley, Spurrell, Maffer, Learning and I loaded up and headed out over the highway to the Sooley family cabin near Whitbourne to launch the speed boat and spend the night in the bunk house.




15.   We also got to try out the "new" V4 outboard Mr. Sooley had installed earlier that spring. It ran pretty good, much better then the old piece of crap that was originally powering the boat.




14.   Maffer was sat in the left  rear seat and Sooley made a high speed turn at the top of the pond, the prop must have come out of the water so foreword momentum halted and a rather large wake came in over the stern soaking Maffer right through!







12.   We anchored just off the shoals in the centre part of the pond and started catching a few very nice trout.










9.   Saturday evening we stayed in the bunk house as Mr. & Mrs. Sooley had a cabin full themselves.










6.   The next morning while waiting for the rest of us to get down to the boat Maffer casually cast his line right off the wharf catching the biggest fish of the trip!








4.   With no further luck at the wharf we headed back up the pond for a few flicks.










1.   All in all it was another successful and enjoyable trouting adventure!

Cheers, MIKE

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