January 23, 2005 Goulds Powder Rip: (14 Photos)


14.   The end of January finally brought our first major snowstorm of the season, and the Shed-Headz crew couldn't wait to get out in the fresh fallen powder.





13.   French, Jimmy, Sooley and I got on the go early to check out the massive drifts in the Goulds. Sooley was the first to get stuck finding snow drifted 4 feet deep along one side of a field, his Mach1 is now affectionately referred to as the Mach1-ton.













10.   French got stuck later in the day side hilling a massive drift that we were jumping. Do you know what's heavier and way worse to get unstuck than a Mach1-ton? The new 4-stroke Yamaha's! lol



9.   We were getting great air, busting cornices with lots of powder blowing back over the hood of the sled.

















1.   Sooley spent a fair bit of time falling off his sled, but managed not to beat anything up. I guess he'll become a better rider in time. LoL (to check on his current status, check out pics from the 2011 annual cabin trip) It was another great day, its hard to have a bad day riding when there's lots of fresh snow!

Cheers, MIKE

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