April 30, 2005 Tors Cove Work Weekend: (48 Photos)
48. Ever since we started going to Maffer & Chrissy's cabin in Tors Cove, our crew has helped make a lot of improvements to the rustic accommodations. It started a couple years ago clearing out tons of clutter which was poked into every corner of the cabin, replacing the rusted out wood stove, building bunk beds, and replacing furniture with better free furniture. Around that time French and I properly wired the cabin for lights and outlets, complete with a proper generator cord and fuse panel.
47. Last year we moved the fire pit from the driveway our front to a newly formed clearing behind the cabin, and today we continued with the Tors Cove cabin improvement plan. Over the course of a few nights at my Anspach Area51 facility we built new upper corner kitchen cabinets our of pine and plywood which would add a lot of new kitchen storage.
46. Domestic water at the cabin consisted of 2 old barrels sitting on a rotted out wooden stand that collected rainwater from the eaves trough. We build a brand new heavy duty stand for our new rain water collection system which would consist of 4 new 45 gallon plastic barrels.
45. My Grand Am was not up to carrying this much tools & supplies so we loaded the new water tower, cabinets, some new/used countertops and a load of misc lumber & tools aboard Sooley's trailer and Dad's '93 Yukon and headed to Tors Cove.
44. Before
42. Maffer, Sooley, French, Ronnie and I arrived at the cabin Friday evening and we immediately set about installing the new upper kitchen cabinets, which fit the space perfectly.
41. The rest of the evening was spent unloading the new water barrel stand and the myriad of building materials collected for other projects.
40. On Saturday morning the kitchen was looking good so Maffer and Sooley started taking apart the bathroom. For some weird reason it had been set up in the rear corner bedroom so they moved it to its proper location next to the kitchen. This would create an additional bedroom with a double bed.
39. Meanwhile Ronnie and I removed the old countertop & sink from the kitchen and built new bottom cabinets to fit the new (to us) counter top and double sink.
37. We wanted to move the propane range out from the corner but this used countertop already had the sink cut out in the middle. In the end it worked out ok, we cut the countertop close to the sink, moved the stove next to the sink and installed the cut off piece of counter top to the right side of the stove.
36. While we did this, French installed new copper line and fittings for the stove.
34. In the afternoon Sooley and Maffer got to work taking down the old water tower and getting the new one in place.
33. Since it was prebuilt, they simply gathered some crushed stone & flat rocks to set it on which would prevent the wood from rotting out as it would sitting on clay.
32. The barrels were mounted, and plumbed with PEX water line and tool less removable fittings that can be easily disconnected and drained in the fall.
31. The fill pipe from the eaves trough was extended to the new stand and a water line ran from the barrels to the new bathroom. The whole stand was painted in Green wood preservative to help prevent rot.
26. We even took a moment to fix up the side tables on the old but working BBQ, one of the most important items at the cabin!
25. Early that evening I decked over the left side of the patio which for some reason had never been covered over before.
24. Supper that evening was a well deserved BBQ steak feast with rice and baked potatoes.
19. Of course no cabin trip is complete without an nigh time Bonfire and a few brew, especially when there are old kitchen cabinets to dispose of!
4. On Sunday while Maffer and Sooley finished plumbing inside the cabin for the new bathroom & kitchen sink, I built a stand to hold 3 or 4 fish boxes to neatly store firewood inside the cabin.
2. Meanwhile French built a new generator stand, as well as a small table to hold a 20lb propane tank for the kitchen stove.
1. All in all it was a very productive weekend and we were ready to rock the upcoming May 24 Holiday Weekend! Cheers, MIKE
Copyright © 2011 Michael Smith