March 30, 2020 Crazy Ice Storm (9 Photos)

9.   Winter is slowly winding down here on the east coast. Snow storms are being replaced by rain storms, and this week for a change we were greeted with back to back freezing rain events which left quite a heavy coating of glitter all across town.



8.   Ice on our vehicles, houses & power lines was about 5/8" thick which could be quite a burden to remove. Leaving our vehicles running with heat on high for a half hour helped a lot in this regard.







5.   Once loosened by heat from the vehicle, ice came off in sheets simply by opening and closing the doors. 



4.   I expected widespread power outages but fortunately the ice was not accompanied by wind. We lost our power for about an hour and a half mid-morning so I finally got a chance to try running the house on my 3500watt backup generator. The generator is connected to a proper generator panel which powers up certain areas of the house including our well pump, basement sewage pump, freezers/fridges, a bunch of lights and TV/internet.







1.   It could certainly have been a lot worse, thankfully it wasn't with everything else going on in the world this year. It was definitely the most freezing rain build-up I've experienced in a very long time!

Cheers, MIKE

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