Feb 7, 2009 Ice Fishing Sooleys Cabin : (13 Photos)


13.   With the Ice Fishing Season opened in Newfoundland just a week ago, our Crew finally got out for a day trouting on one of Newfoundland's many frozen lakes. Sooley, Maffer, Adam & I loaded the sleds and headed for Whitbourne to the Sooley Cabin where we knew we'd have decent results fishing.


12.   Since the Avalon Peninsula had been plagued by 15mm of rain, warm temperatures and fog the previous week, we weren't expecting to find very good riding conditions. We really planned only to use the sleds to get to our fishing destination. The edges of the pond provided just enough traction & cooling to run the machines thanks to the snow flurries from the previous night.


11.   Once we arrived at the top of the pond Sooley and Maffer went about boring holes and setting lines catching a couple of trout right away.






8.   Adam and I set about gathering wood and starting a fire in our cookout clearing.




6.   Shortly thereafter we were joined by French who was late leaving town. Not wanting to change damaging his brand new sled in the less then ideal snow conditions he opted (probably wisely) to take his Honda ATV.


5.   After a lunch of Moose Sausage, Beans, Kippers & Tea we decided to go for a little run on the sleds. I had checked out the transmission line earlier while gathering firewood and was surprised to find it in decent condition for riding.


4.   There was still plenty of snow cover, enough loose snow for cooling, and it was relatively smooth! We travelled along the pole line to an area known as High Waters, the headwaters for Rocky River.


3.   Although the hills and tundra were pretty well devoid of snow, the South East corner of the pond caught every bit of powder snow that blew down the ice!


2.   Here, in the midst of horrible riding conditions was a hidden jewel of fresh drifts and powder 2 feet deep to play around in!!! Needless to say we had a lot of fun!


1.   After our run we returned to Sooley's Pond we restarted the fire and cooked a quick supper of Moose Sausage and Stew. As darkness fell we packed up our gear and headed for home after an amazing day in the country. Unfortunately my day ended on a sour note with a tire blow out on the truck heading home. Fortunately I safely got the truck & trailer to the side of the road, changed the tire and we were on our way.


Cheers, MIKE

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